We will own everything. We will be prosperous. The world will be at peace.
As together we choose, together it will be.

We are a member owned and operated public-benefit
corporation organized to stimulate, enrich, and regulate the economic, cultural, and governmental affairs of humanity at scale.
Cultural Arts
Clean Water

The mission of the we-the-people.earth is to:
* Engage in a collaborative determination of community priorities.
* Stimulate civic participation and contribution in order to realize these priorities.
* Provide an open source digital-platform for vigorous public discourse and deliberation as to how to meet these priorities.
* Facilitate the submission of concise, intelligent proposals oriented towards the collated priorities of our community members.
* Administer grants and/or investment opportunities for those proposals accepted
by the membership through a popular vote, when requested.

How it Works
Process. Any owner (or group of owners) can submit a proposal to the Forum
of we-the-people.earth for consideration by its membership with the ambition of their
proposal being forwarded to the Ballot for a vote by a quorum of active members.
If a proposal is approved by vote and includes a budget request,
it can then move to the Foundation for funding.
Note: It is recommended that an owner (or group of owners) intending to submit their proposal to the Forum, first assess the proposals congruence with the stated priorities of the membership by inspecting the Priorities Stack at the Index on the we-the-people.earth web platform.
Proposal. Any owner (or group of owners) having decided to develop a proposal must go to the Template in order to fill out the outline best suited for the type of proposal they intend to submit. Several boilerplate outlines are available at the Template.
Note: If an owner (or group of owners) cannot find an outline that fits their proposal, they can contact the Gatekeeper of the Forum for assistance.
Development. The proposal outline must be completed before submitting it to the Gatekeeper of the Forum. Once a proposal is submitted, the Gatekeeper may make suggestions or recommendations to the owner(s) of the proposal before posting it at the Forum. The owner(s) may then revise their proposal, or request that it posted with no revision at the Forum for deliberation.
Tagging. When a proposal is introduced to the Forum, the Gatekeeper reviewing the
proposal will tag it with a quorum and vote % (QV%) and determine its time allotment on
the docket at the Forum.
Collaboration. If an owner (or group of owners) would like to collaborative with other members, they can first submit their proposal to Discourse at the Forum for membership comment in order to gauge its favorability, or to enlist other members as collaborators before its final submission to Deliberation at the Forum.
At the Forum. While at the Forum a proposal will be available for review by the entire membership. The membership will then be able to comment on the proposal, indicate
their level of support for the proposal, propose amendments, or direct message the
owner(s) with questions and/or feedback.
Gatekeeping. Following the proposals allotted time at the Forum, the proposals initial
QV% will be reviewed and changed if deemed necessary by the Gatekeeper
before being moved to the Ballot.
At the Ballot. Following its time at the Forum, a proposal will then move to the docket at the Ballot to be voted on by the we-the-people.earth membership. The proposal's time allotment on the docket at the Ballot will be determined by the Gatekeeper in charge of the proposal.
Failure to Pass. If the proposal fails to pass the QV% in the time allotted by the Gatekeeper, it will be returned to the owners for amendment and resubmission, or to be retired.
Passage. If the proposal passes by the QV% set by the Gatekeeper, it can then move to the Foundation for funding, or become immediately “active” if no funding request has been submitted.
Funding. If the proposal has a request for funding, the Auditor of the Foundation will post an investment query to see how much of the proposal budget can be raised by the membership through a security token offering (STO). If it is determined that the full budget requested in the proposal cannot be raised by a sale of security tokens, the Auditor will initiate a grant query to the membership in order to make up the funding differential. If the proposal can raise all of the monies called for in its budget, its funding is issued and the proposal becomes active. If not, the proposal is returned to the owner(s) to be amended, or retired.
Copyright © 2024






Agencies of the Digital Platform
Developing a stable and resilient economy
Building our communities from within

Digitizing a Direct Democracy

Funding projects through citizen proposal

Emphasizing priorities and collaboration